Service Agreement and Boarding Policies + Procedures


  • All first time bookings must be placed by submitting a booking enquiry through our website or via email.
  • Your booking will be not be accepted and registered until we receive the following from you:
    • Registration form (one per dog)
    • Veterinary release form
    • Off-lead disclaimer form
    • Evidence of vaccination
  • Once we receive your dog’s registration form your booking will go through an approval process to review your registration - we will send you a confirmation email to confirm or reject your booking once this process ​is complete.
  • All new guests will be required to complete a mandatory ‘meet and greet’ assessment day which will be in the form of a full day of daycare charged at £20 per dog.
  • The Canine Cabin Devon reserves the right to reject/cancel any bookings: should we deem your dog unsuitable for our environment; following an unsuccessful assessment day; in periods of closure or should we ​reach the maximum number of dogs we can accept on particular dates.
  • Following registration of your dog and a successful assessment day you will be able to make future bookings through email or telephone correspondence. The Canine Cabin Devon will give notice of confirmation for ​each booking.


2.1 For Daycare Bookings

  • All daycare bookings will be charged at the standard rate of £20 per full day and £14 per half day.
  • Payment will be required on collection of your dog for each daycare stay.
  • Any additional charges for late or out of hours collections or drop offs, veterinary fees, parasite treatments, or any other relevant charges incurred during your dog’s stay will be added to this balance.
  • We require at least 24 hours notice before your booked stay for any cancellations of daycare, failure to do so will result in your payment of 100% of the booking fee.
  • Payment plans may be discussed with us should you wish for regular use of our services.
  • The Canine Cabin Devon reserves the right to decline any future bookings should you be behind on payments for more than two instances.

2.2 For Home Boarding Bookings

  • All home boarding bookings will be charged at the standard rate of £26 per 24 hours (for one to six nights) and £24 per 24 hours (for seven+ nights). Should collection of your dog on the final day be later than ​9:30am then you will also be charged a full day or half day of daycare respectively.
  • All boarding stays require a non-transferable 25% deposit to be paid upon booking to secure the dates.
  • Payment in full of the remaining balance will be required on collection of your dog following their stay.
  • Any additional charges for late or out of hours collections or drop offs, veterinary fees, parasite treatments, or any other relevant charges incurred during your dog’s stay will be added to this balance.
  • We require at least 6 days notice before your booked stay for any cancellations of boarding stays, failure to do so will result in The Canine Cabin Devon keeping 100% of your paid ​deposit.
  • Should you give more than 6 days notice of cancellation for boarding stays then The Canine Cabin Devon will be happy to refund your deposit to you in full.
  • Should we deem your dog unsuitable for boarding following their assessment day we will fully refund any deposits you have made to secure the dates.

2.3 Out of Hours/Late Charges

  • The Canine Cabin Devon is able to accommodate drop offs and collections outside of our standard times, however, this must be agreed prior to your dog’s stay and will result in an out of hours charge of ​£5 added to your booking fee.
  • Any late drop offs or collections will be subject to a late charge of £5 per hour of delay.
  • All bookings that fall over national bank holidays and seasonal holiday dates will be subject to the higher daycare fee of £25 per day per dog and the higher home boarding fee of £30 per 24 hours per dog. The ​Canine Cabin Devon will notify all clients of any holiday dates that will be subject to these higher fees in advance via email or message.

2.4 Cancellations

  • The Canine Cabin Devon will aim to give at least 24 hours notice for any cancellations made by ourselves. If The Canine Cabin Devon, for any reason, makes a cancellation of your dog’s stay then any deposit or ​prepayment made by you will be refunded in full.


  • Before any new dogs can be accepted on our premises we require the following forms to be completed and returned at least 24 hours prior to your dog’s planned assessment day:
    • Registration form (one per dog)
    • Veterinary release form
    • Off-lead disclaimer form
    • Evidence of vaccination
  • Failure to provide any of these forms will result in your booking being cancelled.
  • It is essential that any registration form is completed truthfully and an honest outline of your dog’s character is represented.
  • Following approval of registration all new guests will be required to complete a mandatory ‘meet and greet’ assessment day which will be in the form of a full day of daycare charged at £20 ​per dog.
  • This assessment day will allow us to assess whether our environment is suitable for your dog and/or if your dog is suitable for our environment. This allows us to prioritise your dogs welfare and state of mind by ​building up a behaviour profile and ensures that they will enjoy their stay with us whilst you are away.
  • The results of this session will determine whether we can proceed with booking in your dog’s stay, if your dog will need further settling in days or if your dog is unsuitable for boarding/daycare.
  • The Canine Cabin Devon is a kennel free environment and therefore we are unable to accept any entire male dogs or in season female dogs onto our premises.
  • In addition, The Canine Cabin Devon will not accept any dogs under the age of 12 months as we do not feel our environment and routine is suitable for growing puppies during this time.


  • All dogs must hold up to date (within the last 12 months) vaccinations against the following diseases:
    • Infectious Bronchitis/Para Influenza (also known as Kennel Cough)
    • Canine Parvovirus
    • Canine Distemper
    • Canine Adenovirus/Infectious Canine Hepatitis
    • Leptospirosis
  • Vaccinations must be given at least 72 hours prior to a dog’s stay - particularly for the Kennel Cough vaccination that is administered as a live vaccine.
  • Evidence of your dog’s vaccination card must be given at least 24 hours prior to your dog’s arrival or we will be unable to accept your dog onto the premises.
  • We do not accept any titre tests or homeopathic vaccinations.
  • The Canine Cabin Devon also requests confirmation from owners that all dogs have been recently wormed and treated for external parasites (fleas/ticks).


  • Our opening times are as follows for drop-off and collection of your dog:
      • Monday to Friday
      • Drop offs: between 8am and 9am
      • Collections: between 4pm and 6pm
      • For half days only: collections between 12pm and 1pm
      • Monday to Sunday
      • Drop offs: between 8am and 9am or 11am and 1pm
      • Collections: between 8am and 9am or 11am and 1pm or 4pm and 6pm
  • The Canine Cabin Devon is able to accommodate drop offs and collections outside of our standard times, however, this must be agreed prior to your dog’s stay and will result in an out of hours charge of ​£5 added to your booking fee.
  • All boarding dogs staying overnight will need to be dropped off by 1pm at the latest in order to allow them time to settle before the night.
  • Any late drop offs or collections will be subject to a late charge of £5 per hour of delay.
  • All collections and drop offs must take place at our front gate.
  • The Canine Cabin Devon does not accept visitors outside of these times. Any visitors wishing to look around must book an appointment first. Please remember that the premises are also our home.


  • We are open by prior appointment for bank holidays and seasonal holiday dates. Any clients wishing to book care for their dog over national bank holiday dates and seasonal holiday dates (e.g. Christmas) will need ​to give a sufficient amount of prior notice as determined by The Canine Cabin Devon which will be communicated via our email and social media.
  • All bookings that fall over national bank holidays and seasonal holiday dates will be subject to the higher daycare fee of £25 per day per dog and the higher home boarding fee of £30 per 24 hours per dog. The ​Canine Cabin Devon will notify all clients of any holiday dates that will be subject to these higher fees in advance via email or message.


  • Dogs will be fed in accordance with The Canine Cabin Devon’s feeding regime except where otherwise agreed with you as the owner.
  • Unless otherwise stated, boarded dogs will be fed twice per day outside of dog collection and drop off times in order to reduce stress and maintain a quiet environment.
  • We ask you to provide your own and enough feed and/or any supplements during the duration of your dog’s boarding stay in order to maintain the dog’s routine and avoid any stomach upset or illness. However, The ​Canine Cabin Devon can provide feed in an extenuating circumstance.
  • Should The Canine Cabin Devon need to purchase additional feed for your dog then you will be responsible for any and all costs relating to this purchase.
  • It is imperative that owners communicate details of the amount of feed and any allergies that their dog has. These should be listed on the dogs registration form before arrival.
  • You must feed your dog prior to any daycare stay.
  • With owners consent, The Canine Cabin Devon may also provide a range of treats and enrichment foods during the dogs stay. Should any owner not wish for dogs to be provided with treats then this should be ​detailed on the dogs registration form. Owners are welcome to provide their dog with their own treats during their stay.


  • All owners must complete a copy of the companies off lead disclaimer form.
  • Dogs will be walked two to three times per day following our ‘Standard Daily Routine and Exercise/Enrichment Regime’.
  • Walks will be a minimum length of 20 minutes each and length of walks will be subject to an individual dog’s age, breed and health status.
  • All dogs will have ample toileting opportunities throughout the day outside of walking times.
  • With consent from you the owner, enrichment will be provided to all dogs in the form of:
    • Grooming and playing as appropriate
    • Association with other dogs and handler as appropriate
    • Access to grassed areas for toilet breaks and scenting tasks
    • Access to toys as appropriate
    • Food enrichment including scatter feeding, snuffle mats and food puzzles
  • Should a dog not wish to participate in play and/or enrichment then they will have a choice to use the quiet areas within the house instead.
  • Dogs will only be walked off lead with consent of the owner from our ‘off lead disclaimer form’ and if deemed safe to do so by the handler.
  • Dogs shall be kept on a lead whilst entering and exiting the property and through the yard areas until the handler deems it safe to let them off.
  • Dogs will be exercised together subject to each dog’s sociability and with consent of the owners. Any unsociable dog shall be exercised alone.

8.1 Walks Off Site

  • With prior consent from you the owner, dogs may occasionally be walked off site and outside of the local area.
  • All dogs will be transported to and from these walks following the company's individual ‘Transportation Procedure’.


  • Whilst in the care of The Canine Cabin Devon, dogs will undergo daily observations of their health and behaviour. Any abnormalities including unusual behaviours or signs of poor health will be recorded.
  • You as the owner are asked to detail any normal behaviours for your dog on your registration form and notify staff of any changes to your dog’s behaviour before every visit.
  • Any dogs showing signs of sporadic behaviour or out of character displays will be monitored closely, recorded and acted upon, these cases may be deemed unfit for daycare and boarding.
  • All staff members are able to identify abnormal behaviours and in the event that a dog appears in distress staff members will take the following action:
    • Try to determine and alleviate the cause
    • Consider isolating the dog
    • Consider contacting the owner to consult
    • Determine whether or not veterinary advice needs to be sought and act accordingly following owners consent and the company’s ‘Health and Welfare Policy’.
  • Subject to their individual behaviour and your consent, dogs will be socialised together on the premises and whilst exercising. All dogs will be kept separately or in suitable compatible social groups that suit their ​individual needs. Any dog showing aggressive or unsociable behaviour or any signs of fear or stress will be separated from other dogs, exercised alone and provided with suitable enrichment during their stay.
  • At The Canine Cabin Devon dogs will be taught simple rules and boundaries through the use of positive reinforcement. Undesirable behaviours will be recognised and acted upon using reward based training. Dogs ​will be reinforced to make the right choices through continued engagement, no handlers will force these desirable behaviours.
  • The Canine Cabin Devon reserves the right to refuse any future stays should your dog exhibit any unsociable or undesirable behaviours.


  • Alongside our ‘Health and Welfare Policy’, The Canine Cabin Devon have a number of separate policies/procedures in place in relation to the health and welfare of your dog that cover the following areas: feeding; ​cleaning and disinfection; transportation; prevention and control of disease; behaviour and training; the death or escape of an animal; exercise and enrichment; emergencies and evacuation.
  • Before being accepted for boarding or daycare at The Canine Cabin Devon, you will be asked to complete a registration form for your dog that includes details about your dog and any current health or ​behavioural abnormalities.
  • Where a dog is showing any signs or symptoms of illness or injury upon arrival then their stay will be denied by the company.
  • All staff members are capable of identifying abnormal behaviours and are able to recognise signs of injury, pain, suffering and disease. Staff have been trained to recognise poor welfare and understand the five ​welfare needs: handling; behaviour; cleanliness and hygiene, feeding and food preparation; disease control; recognition of sick animals. Where any abnormal behaviours have been observed, particularly dogs who ​are anxious or fearful of contact The Canine Cabin Devon will follow its own ‘Behaviour and Training Policy’.
  • The Canine Cabin Devon cannot be held responsible for any loss, injury or death of your pet to include any minor injuries such as small grazes, cuts or nips that may occur whilst in our care.

10.1 Medication

  • Where a dog is prescribed medication, The Canine Cabin Devon will be happy to administer this throughout the dog’s duration of stay. Owners must provide all medication in a clearly labelled box detailing the dog’s ​name, frequency and dosage and these details including the name of the medication must be included on the dogs registration form prior to their stay.

10.2 Grooming

  • All staff will ensure that animals are kept clean and comfortable, this includes performing adequate routine grooming on longer stays and other essential health regimes previously agreed with you as the owner ​such as eye cleaning and brushing.
  • If wet or muddy after a walk, dogs will be rinsed, checked and blow dried to be returned home in the same condition they were dropped off in.
  • In winter months paws will be rinsed off after walks and in summer months all outside surfaces will be checked for heat before exercise.

10.3 Prevention and Control of Disease

  • Following our ‘Prevention and Control of Disease Procedure’ all dogs are required to have up to date vaccinations and be treated for internal and external parasites as outlined in section 4.0 above.
  • Any dog found to have evidence of fleas or worms whilst in our care will receive immediate treatment which will be charged to the owner at time of collection.


11.1 Medical Attention

  • All owners must sign a copy of our Veterinary Release Form.
  • Where any injuries to your dog have occurred or illness or distress has been observed the following steps will be adhered to:
    • Try to determine and alleviate the cause using necessary first aid techniques or by removing the stimulus.
    • Consider isolation of the dog if any symptoms are in line with a contagious disease or the dog is in severe discomfort or distress. For any potential contagious disease the company’s ‘Disease Control ​Procedure’ found in the ‘Prevention and Control of Disease’ document will be followed.
    • Consider whether you as the animal’s owner and/or your emergency contact will be contacted and consulted.
    • Determine whether or not veterinary attention needs to be sought and act accordingly following your consent.
    • Owners/emergency contacts will be asked to collect their dog and seek medical attention should symptoms persist or cannot wait until collection.
    • In the event of an emergency or where you as the dog’s owner and/or your emergency contact cannot be reached or you cannot collect your animal then The Canine Cabin Devon will seek medical attention ​using our registered local vets in the best interests of the dog’s health and welfare. The company will make every effort to notify owners.
  • All veterinary fees and charges will be the responsibility of you the owner. We encourage you to hold the appropriate insurances for your dog.
  • Should your veterinarian nominated in your dog’s registration form be located within a reasonable distance to our premises (20 minute drive or less) then The Canine Cabin Devon will transport your pet ​to your veterinarian. However, if your veterinarian is unavailable or located outside of this range then The Canine Cabin Devon will take your pet to our registered veterinary clinic located at:
    • South Moor Vets, Endsleigh, Ivybridge, Devon, PL21 9JL
  • Where an emergency results in the need for euthanasia the companies ‘Death or Escape of an Animal Procedure’ will be adhered to and all euthanasia will be documented using the ‘Euthanasia Record’.

11.2 Escape or Loss of an Animal

  • All dogs are required to be microchipped with up to date details.
  • During their stay all dogs will wear a collar with an identification tag at all times that details The Canine Cabin Devon’s contact information and telephone number.
  • In the event that a dog escapes from the premises of The Canine Cabin Devon or is lost whilst exercised both on and off of the premises then the appropriate measures will be taken following the company’s ‘Death ​or Escape of an Animal Procedure’.
  • All dogs will be walked using equipment supplied by The Canine Cabin Devon.
  • Owners must drop off and collect their dog on a lead whilst entering and exiting the premises.
  • For their safety and security The Canine Cabin Devon will not accept any dogs that are prone to escape and able to jump or climb over a height of 1.5m.


  • During your dog’s stay we will take photos to be shared and used across our relevant website, social media and marketing materials.
  • Please let a member of staff know prior to your dog’s stay if you do not wish for photos of your dog to be used across these platforms.


By signing your dog’s registration form and by being accepted as a client of The Canine Cabin Devon you are agreeing to all of the information

found in this service agreement and the company's individual policies and procedures which can be sent to you on request.

Please let us know if you require any further information or wish to view all of the companies individual policies and procedures separately.

THE CANINE CABIN DEVON - Licensed Home Boarding for Dogs in South Brent, Devon

Licence Number: SHAL0080



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